Thursday, January 20, 2011

And so it begins... in 31 days.

(Days until hiking commences: 31)

Greetings!  The majority of you stumbling upon this blog are probably already aware of my upcoming attempt to thru-hike the Appalachian Trail, a 2,181-mile footpath stretching across 14 states from Georgia to Maine.  For the next seven months, I will be updating this site with journal entries, photographs, and the occasional video to let friends and family know how I am doing... and to reassure everyone that I haven't starved, frozen to death, been eaten by a bear or crazed hillbilly, etc.  The number of days between posts will vary depending on how often I pass through towns with computer access, but I will try to post an update at least once every few weeks.

First and foremost, let me say that I am very happy you have decided to join me (at least in spirit) on this great adventure.  If you have spoken to me in person about my plans, you are probably aware that I have never been this excited about anything in my life, and I want all of you to be able to share in this experience with me.  There will be lots of ups and downs on the trail, both geographically and mentally.  During the tough times that I will inevitably experience - on those days when I'm hungry, aching, and everything I own is soaking wet - it will help me greatly to know that I have a whole group of supporters rooting me onward.  Please post comments frequently and liberally!  I can't wait to hear from you.

Let me also say that this is my first attempt at blogging, so this site is a work in progress.  Those of you out there who are more blog-savvy than I (meaning most of you), you are more than welcome to give me suggestions to help streamline the site and make it more user-friendly.

That's all I can think of for now.  During the next several days I will be posting a few entries giving a brief history of the trail and answering some FAQs about my plans, the trail, and my general sanity for attempting it.  Stay tuned.



  1. Our prayers, love and support surround you as go go.
    -mom and dad

    In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.
    John Muir

  2. and go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go...................

  3. Ill be thinking of you every step of the way! I love you, Madi

    We do not see nature with our eyes, but with our
    understandings and our hearts.
    - William Hazlett

  4. Chase,
    I am so excited for you...and PROUD of you! I am wishing you all the best and will be anxiously waiting to read all of your posts! So, please keep us posted when you can!

    I have the following verse sitting in front of me at my desk and I wanted to share it with you today...

    My soul finds rest in God alone;
    my salvation comes from him.
    He alone is my rock and my salvation;
    he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.
    -PSALM 62:1-2

    I am thinking about you, buddy!
    Kendall Owens

  5. It was so nice to meet you, Sensei! We are blessed that our son, Spam, is sharing this journey with you. We are praying for all of you. John and Karen
